Chess Results 1964-1967
Gino Di Felice
Italian chess archivist Gino Di Felices Chess Results series, begun in 2004, now comprises eleven volumes encompassing the years 1747-1967. It is the most comprehensive chronological reference work of chess results available and the present two volumes are a testament to thoroughness.
The 1961-1963 volume lists 938 tournaments and 108 matches and the 1964-1967 volume has 1,204 crosstables and 158 matches. The increasing popularity of chess competitions can be seen by the volumes covering an ever-shorter period of time. Whereas several of the earlier volumes covered an entire decade, now the time frame is just a few years.
The standard bearer for chess archivists has long been the later Jeremy Gaige, who a true pioneer, but De Felice deserves much credit himself. Gaiges last published work ended in 1930 (although he produced check lists going up to 1950), but De Felice has gone several decades further. He received some criticism in reviews of earlier volumes for not publishing his sources but this oversight was remedied starting with coverage of the 1940s.
These books are a true boon to chess historians and journalists who need handy reference tools. Those who plan to do a book on a particular player will find the indexes a real time saver, as in a matter of minutes they can have a list of crosstables of events their subject played in.
One small matter should be noted. This series does not have womens and correspondence events as Di Felice plans a separate volume for them.
The physical qualities of these massive paperback books are of a high standard and what one has come to expect from McFarland & Company. Published on good paper and sturdily bound they are intended for serious use for many years.
Highly recommended