Mastering the Chess Openings — Volume 4
John Watson

The last book in International Master John Watsons four volume series on the openings is likely to be remembered as the best. Mastering The Chess Openings: Volume 4 covers material not included in the first three books (1.e4, 1.d4 and 1.c4). This means Mastering The Chess Openings: Volume 4 deals primarily with the Réti (1.Nf3 d5 2.c4) and 1…g6 and 1…b6 as universal defenses. There is also a chapter devoted to the Dutch and its close kin the Bird.
These chapters along with those on odds and end like 1.b4 make up roughly half the book but it is the remainder that is likely to prove of more interest to the average player. The section on gambit play is extremely well done and must reading for any player coming up through the ranks. So to is the following chapter “Choosing and Preparing Openings, which is pure gold. Watson gives well-considered suggestions for appropriate openings for players from just beyond beginner to 2300 that will solve many amateurs perennial headache.
Highly Recommended.
Also check out the reviews for Mastering The Chess Openings: Volume 1, Mastering The Chess Openings: Volume 2, and Mastering The Chess Openings: Volume 3.