Spring 2020 — Chess Book Reviews
A Novel
Chess and the Movies
Bobby Fischer and His World
John Donaldson
Reviewer: Publisher's Description
Double-Fianchetto – 1st Edition
The Modern Chess Lifestyle
Daniel Hausrath
Reviewer: John Donaldson
An Idiot-Proof Chess Opening Repertoire
Graham Burgess
Reviewer: John Donaldson
The Modern Benoni
John Doknjas
Reviewer: John Donaldson
Opening Repertoire
The Sveshnikov
Cyrus Lakdawala
Reviewer: John Donaldson
In the Zone
Cyrus Lakdawala
Reviewer: John Donaldson
The Best I Saw in Chess
Games, Stories and Instruction from an Alabama Prodigy Who Because U.S. Champion
Stuart Rachels
Reviewer: John Donaldson
Hyper Accelerated Dragon, The
Extended 2nd Edition
Raja Panjwani
Reviewer: John Donaldson
Playing the Najdorf
A Practical Repertoire
David Vigorito
Reviewer: John Donaldson
Anand Files, The
The World Championship Story 2008-2012
Michiel Abeln
Reviewer: John Donaldson
Modern Defense, The
Cyrus Lakdawala
Reviewer: John Donaldson
Understanding Maroczy Structures
Adrian Mikhalchisin, Georg Mohr
Reviewer: John Donaldson
Advanced Chess Tactics, 2nd edition
Lev Psakhis
Reviewer: John Donaldson
A Novel
Siles Press Books
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